What Training is Required? 

 CONCUSSION PROTOCOL: California law requires that all managers/coaches, administrators and officials must complete an online concussion training at least once before supervising youth athletes; a certificate from a prior season is valid for this season. It takes only about 30 minutes to complete the training. A concussion and head injury information sheet must be signed by both the athlete and a parent/guardian before the athlete initiates practice or competition. An existing form may be used if it’s available. The signed sheet must be carried with the player’s medical release and code of conduct form. 

 ABUSE AWARENESS PROTOCOL: All managers/coaches, administrators and officials must complete the annual Abuse Awareness training provided by Little League International. The managers and coaches must carry documentation in their team binders that the course has been completed. 

 SUDDEN CARDIAC ARREST PREVENTION PROTOCOL: New state laws now requires the same protocols used for concussions in youth and high school sports to be used to help protect young athletes participating in school and community youth sports organizations from sudden cardiac arrest—the #1 killer of young athletes. Community youth sports organizations include an organization, business, nonprofit entity, or a local governmental agency that sponsors or conducts amateur sports competitions, training, camps, or clubs in which persons 17 years of age or younger participate. 

 DIAMOND LEADERSHIP: Per Little League, all volunteers are required to have this one time training completed. It is encouraged to review it on an annual basis.

Volunteer/Coach Training 

As we head into the Spring Season, here is a reminder that State of California Requires Training and Certifications for Managers/Coaches, Administrators and Sports Officials and must be completed before any engagement with the players. This includes All Managers, Coaches, Umpires and Board Members.  If you fall into one of these categories, you are required to produce the mandatory certificate for each protocol. Please save and carry each of the certification certificates for all of your managers/coaches in your team binder.  Administrators and Sports Officials should carry a hardcopy or an electronic copy with them to all game sites. If you have any questions in regard to this required training, please ask your League President.

Concussion Training 

For this training District 63 will be using the course from the CDC. 

FOR COACHES - Go to https://www.train.org/cdctrain/course/1089818/ 

FOR UMPIRES & LEAGUE OFFICIALS - Go to https://www.train.org/cdctrain/course/1089861 


  1. Log in or Create an Account 
  2.  When prompted to Select a Community of Practice, select "Other" and "Other Public Health Interests" 
  3. Select: Your county - "(Santa Barbara or Ventura)" 
  4. You will then be prompted to complete your profile. Enter a contact number and your address. When it comes to adding the Organization information, enter the following: 
  • Organization Name: "Little League" 
  • Department/Division: "Your Local League Name" 
  • Title: "Manager, Coach, Volunteer, etc." On
  • On the main page for the course, Click the green "Pre-Assessment" button 
  • Start Course 
The course should take about an hour. At the end of the course you will take a quiz. Upon successful completion you will also be able to print out a Certificate showing where you met the requirement for this training.


Abuse Awareness Reporting 

For this annual training Little League International has developed the following:


  1. Create an Account 
  2. Login to the portal and follow the prompts

 The course should take about an hour. At the end of the course you will take a quiz. Upon successful completion you will also be able to print out a Certificate showing where you met the requirement for this training.


Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Prevention Training 

For this training District 63 will be using the course from the Eric Paredes Save A Life Foundation. 


    1. Log in or Create an Account at the bottom of the page 
  • Take the Course 
  1. Pre-quiz 
  2. Video 
  3. Post Quiz 
  4. Print the Certificate 


 The course should take about half an hour. At the end of the course you will take a quiz. Upon successful completion you will also be able to print out a Certificate showing where you met the requirement for this training.

Diamond Leadership Training

This one time training has been developed by Little League and offered through littleleague.org:

         Go to https://www.littleleague.org/diamondleader/

  1. If you have not already created an account for the abuse awareness training, you will need to create an account. Both trainings are housed in this account.

2. Log in to the training portal and complete the course.


Training Handouts